Ping i25 vs i20
Last Updated on June 14th, 2023
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There has been quite a buzz around the improvements from the i20 clubs to the newer i25 sets. So many times, you hear the description from the i20 to the i25 as an evolution of the same club line.
The design team had progressively moved towards adding forgiveness and high-launch characteristics to their irons, a more forgiving driver club head, and slightly smaller fairway woods with a racing stripe visual aid.
All in all, the i25 clubs are the next step in the evolution of the PING golf club, which will be a good Dad Christmas gift set.

Which One has Sold More?
Many of the golfers that loved playing with the i20 have already made a move to the i25, happily.
The i20 sets of clubs have been improved in many progressive ways; the driver and irons of the i25 are more forgiving of impact and can be set to have higher loft settings than previously available to golfers.
Ultimately, the sales numbers are similar to many i20 golfers when ahead and upgraded to the i25.
There are, however, unseen second-hand store sales and private transactions that could move the sales numbers in favor of the i20, seeing how it has been on the market longer than the i25s.
What are the Differences?
There will be slight differences in the i20 to i25 evolution of PING golf clubs; one of the most noticeable changes will be the driver and fairway woods’ styling, which now have racing stripes gracing the top of the clubheads.
In addition, the fairway woods are made with slightly smaller and lighter clubheads; the irons have been given a higher-launch angle to provide better loft on the ball.
PING developers added a level of forgiveness to the irons and drivers, making these apt clubs for the golfing Dad in your life.
Pros and Cons: Ping i25 vs. i20
The pros in this comparison will be that the i20 would be the more affordable price for a slight downgrade in clubs. Still, the con would be the downgrading from the i25 evolutionary updates.
The i25 shows improvements in forgiveness and styling, but again, an older club set is now becoming nearly obsolete compared to the new i200 series clubs.
Nevertheless, both of these PING sets of clubs are not bad options for the casual golfer, even to some, a vast upgrade from the discount bin clubs they started with.
Price Range: Ping i25 vs. i20
To start, the two sets of club values are similar, which bodes well for the quality of their make.
The i20 series of clubs have a lower spectrum of pricing, reaching as low as one hundred and fifty dollars for a set of iron and upwards of five hundred dollars; the drivers, fairway woods, and hybrids rarely get over two hundred dollars in price.
PING i25 irons as a set stay within the value of three hundred dollars but have a few sets that encroach a thousand dollars; in addition, the drivers and woods remain in the lower to mid-hundreds.
Final Verdict: Ping i25 vs. i20
Both sets will have a purpose in moving forward in the golf world, and the older series is a fantastic gift for the budgeting family, for the aspiring high school golfer, or the weekend golf Dad for some casual fun.
Since the other versions will be of PING quality make, the year of the model will matter little.
If a golfer is looking to be competitive, then the obvious choice would be to upgrade to the PING i25 series of golf clubs.
They will have better visual aids and adjustment features, and PING developers added a level of forgiveness and better loft for the flight of the ball off impact.
Final Thoughts on Ping i25 vs i20
PING is one of those Golf Equipment manufacturers that are always in pursuit of the perfect golfing experience. With each new series of clubs, the engineering and development teams show their progress in this pursuit.
The i20 and i25 series of golf clubs are quality clubs and were manufactured with PGA tour-level intent. But, of course, professionals will always be looking for that product to give them an edge and shave a stroke or two off their handicap.
To be straightforward, consider adding them to your bag if you happen across a set of these clubs and they are not in the multiple hundred dollars range.
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